Michael Palmer, MBT, CPA
Managing Member & Co-Founder
As co-founder of CaRE, Michael Palmer brings over 30 years of financial, real estate, and hospitality experience.
Prior to founding CaRE, Michael founded Parks, Palmer, Turner & Yemenidjian, LLP (PPTY), one of the largest regional accounting and tax firms in California. Century Business Services (NASDAQ: CBIZ) acquired PPTY in 1998. Michael also co-founded Realty Center Management, Inc. (RCMI), a privately held real estate management and development company which manages, and through its affiliates owns, over 9,500 apartment units and approximately 300,000 sqft of office and commercial properties in a portfolio valued at $1.6 billion. Michael has extensive experience in the hospitality industry, developing and owning hotels both inside and outside the US. With over 4,000 hotel rooms globally, he leads one of the largest international sales and marketing representation companies in the world.
Michael founded Kaptivating, a social media platform matching consumers with products and services. He ran several companies, including Hollywood Park Casino, Olympic National Bancorp, and eSat. Michael served a four-year term on the California Gambling Control Commission, responsible for regulating and licensing gambling activities in California, under Governor Gray Davis.
Michael is a member of the Marshall School Board of Leaders at the University of Southern California (USC) and serves on The Board of Directors at Pepperdine University, The Children’s Burn Foundation, and The Jim Murray Foundation. Michael has a B.S. and a Master’s Degree in Business Taxation from USC and is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Michael was born and raised in Southern California.